We strive to see the big picture and help our clients do the same. Our team will be there for you every step of the way, with a perspective that goes beyond securing the sale.


We understand how difficult it can be to cut through the noise and get noticed. We help to find your "lagniappe" and set your business apart from the crowd.

Your Win is our Win

Our goal is to help you to succeed. That is why consistency and longevity are important values for us. We want to help you achieve your goals and we will do everything we can to support you along the way.


CEO/ Digital Consultant

I help small businesses figure out how to develop consistent and sustainable pricing and sales strategies. When I was in college, I had visions of me sitting in a TV anchor chair delivering breaking, hard-hitting news affecting every day people. Like many, I was a working student. I needed a job offering a decent salary, health insurance, and flexible hours. During my college intern and externships, I realized I was not passionate about my major. However, I did flourish in corporate operations and sales. I loved numbers and strategic selling! I pivoted away from journalism and into the corporate world.

I had a knack for uncovering and resolving issues, converting sales, and finding revenue and efficiencies. I effectively managed P & L statements. I  created and executed strategies that made and saved money. And I consistently uncovered our customer's lagniappe...their "something extra". 

A few years ago, I received a phone call from one of the many budding small businesses I'd helped while volunteering. The excited owner called to let me know the pricing and sales strategies we developed together were working. The revenue results allowed the business to exceed annual goal…in October! Her next words were "We did it! Now, what's next?"  

At that moment, I realized the things I enjoyed, that brought me the most satisfaction, was my work helping small businesses survive, thrive and become generational legacies.

And that was the start of Lagniappe Digital Consulting.  

I love the work I do. I enjoy finding the hidden gems in a business and helping them stand out and shine. I like helping people confidently talk about their businesses. I gain satisfaction from figuring out how a business can consistently grow revenue and be around for decades.  

Hopefully we'll cross paths and partner together to help your business thrive and be a generational legacy.