Attention: A Simple Step-By-Step Tool Every Business Owner Should Use…

Corporate Insider Reveals the Secret Tool That Shows Every Day Business Owners How to Hit Income Goals All 365 Days- Even If 2021 Knocked The Wind Out of Their Sails

Discover How Hundreds of Entrepreneurs from All Over the World Are Bringing in More Money Every 30 Days Like Clockwork……No matter the Business

Stop wondering if what you charge is too low and selling your business short. Have a strong pricing foundation built on real numbers, and not guesses.

What Is It about this Unique Tool That Enables Consultant, Professional Service Providers, Experts, and Businesses with Product Offers To Generate More…

Five and Six Figure Months…

Faster Than Anything They’ve Previously Tried???

What if I told you there is a way to increase your profit margins without increasing your marketing…

And that once you discover it, you can justify charging higher prices without fear of losing clients or customers?

I really mean having total control over what you charge…

Complete Financial Security so that you never look at your bank account and get ‘login anxiety’ because you're afraid you won’t be able to pay yourself what you deserve again this month…

…or laying in bed wondering “What if I lower what I’m charging now?” and “will that bring me more customers” after another day of weak sales… if any.

I’m talking about stronger pricing and a more data driven relationship with your business that maximizes the concept of ‘pricing confidence’...

…and live a life where you run your business and your business doesn’t run you. That may sound unbelievable, but all of my clients, in multiple countries, are experiencing these exact things at this very moment.

And what’s really astounding: All of them are doing it, using the same exact tool that I have used with major corporations and it delivers consistent results… week-in and week-out.

Hi, my name is Michele Gordon.

In the next 5 minutes or less, I’m going to give you the surprisingly fast, but never discussed secret to knowing the worth of your business. 

Whether that be physical...

Like being able to scale your business and then reward yourself by hiring that Virtual Assistant that handles the little stuff…Giving you more freedom.

So you can step away and head to the beach to enjoy the sunset, and the warm breeze blowing through your hair.

Or just the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ve got consistent sales and can pay yourself what you’re worth without fear of hurting the business.

Whether it be emotional…

Waking up every morning, excited to start your day without fear of anxiety creeping up on you.

Feeling confident and powerfully positioned in every part of life.

Never having the knot in your stomach and finally having inner peace, knowing you’ve got it figured out.

Ultimately, having certainty in your gameplan. 

Or both.

In a lot of ways, this shockingly simple to use tool I’m about to show you is the missing ingredient needed to deliver pricing confidence in your business…

It’s something that you never hear discussed at major universities, and in public education.

I hate to say it but, it’s almost like they don’t want you to know about it.

You’ve probably bought book after book. Attending every seminar, and even listening to the T.V. Gurus…

But you never hear them talk about the prices you should be charging for your services or products.

Let alone having the confidence to command what you’re worth.

Now I know that is a strong accusation, but as you continue to read, you’ll see exactly why I’ve made that statement.

Since everything I do is based on data… let’s talk proof.

Proof that having the right numbers plugged into this tool will make your business decisions much more powerful.

Proof that your pricing has nothing to do with emotions and feelings.

And proof that you have the same abilities and are just as smart as the most successful CEOs of Fortune 500 companies…

You just need a solid foundation to build your business on.

All you have to do is commit to your success, put in your numbers (Should take less than 30 minutes) … if you’re really serious about growing and building a thriving business…

All of which I’ll describe in a few moments.

Before I tell you however, there's SOMETHING REALLY important you need to know…

This tool is just one step of many, but the most significant.

Once you plug in your numbers, you’ll have a detailed understanding of where you need to trim the fat and where you must increase immediately.

But I’m going to level with you:

This is not some get rich quick, pie in the sky, wave a wand and become an instant millionaire.

Because that’s unrealistic.

But depending on the size of your business it can increase your revenue by a couple hundred thousand dollars over time.

And depending on revenue targets: $5,000 - $10,000 more per month.

So let’s get started…

Growing Your Business Without The Frustration and Fear

So You Can Build The Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of…

Michele Gordon, Founder and CEO Lagniappe Digital approaching a pricing and sales client

Like I said earlier, my name is Michele Gordon. 

All of my corporate roles have been data driven and heavy in analysis.

Having worked with some of the largest Fortune 500 companies, knowing your numbers, especially revenue, can make or break a company.

Managing budgets from $50 million to $125 million was the norm in my world.

Determining if a piece of business was profitable was a part of my day-to-day. 

Like when a Superbowl was going to be in Houston or Miami…All of the minute details. Like how many rooms, at what price and for how many days to yield the best profit…

Or what to charge Apple if they needed a predetermined corporate rate. Plus all of the extras like free-wi-fi, reduced parking fees, and health club access.

Then there’s forecasting: This was on a weekly basis… there was staffing, for not just the major hotel, but keeping track of the restaurants as well.

Finally, it came down to expenses:
Tracking the P & L for my department plus all of the other projects that needed a keen eye to make sure everyone is operating on the straight and narrow.

And of course, maintaining a budget that had to remain consistent 365 days out of the year.

Since I was consumed by numbers, I naturally made the transition to Software as a Service. Where big data is the norm and drives business decisions daily.

Now fast forwarding to the world I live in today… I have a thriving consulting practice helping small to midsize businesses build systems and best practices with their data.

One thing I discovered…

Building businesses is the same no matter where you go when you have the right structure and systems in hand.

As I would walk through their numbers on a call, I noticed a theme or thread that kept popping up:

No real methodology to track what a business is supposed to charge for their products or services. 

No real foundation and their numbers were like a guessing game.

I’ve helped a lot of people and after seeing the blind spots that a large percent of businesses have, I decided to let everyday business people have access to what’s been working for my private clients.

On a call one afternoon, one of my clients wanted to know how much to charge for an event they had been offered to speak at.

It was at that moment, I shared my screen and broke everything down with a tool that helped me increase profits for every company that used it.

This tool is small but mighty. And now you can use this same tool to increase your profits, adjust your pricing, and take command of your numbers.


Here’s What People Are Already Saying About This New And Different Revenue Structure Tool

Testimonial Image

I don’t know what I would do without Michele Gordon and Lagniappe. She's given me a pricing strategy that allows me to ask for my worth and say ‘No’. The right price is freedom for you and your business! Since I’ve been working with Michele, my prices have gone up and I've honed in on who is right for us as an audience.

Here’s something I’ve learned with Michele and you'll come realize over time: “The RIGHT person will pay YOUR price without hesitation”.

Executive Director, Monivan Digital

Testimonial Image

Before engaging Michele and Lagniappe Digital, we were challenged with variant pricing for different shoppers, specifically, the price conscious customer, B2B and gift givers.

After meeting with Michele, I implemented a smaller box for the price conscious that wanted to be part of the "taste testing" club. I found the confidence to say no to B2B clients that wanted a larger price break, by gaining an understanding of how low I can go. I’ve gained a clear understanding of my consumer segments.

 Before, I struggled with “what does one size fits all” look like. Through consulting with Michele, I’ve realized my business actually needed 3-4 different sizes and price points.  

Edible Opus

Testimonial Image

The challenge that I needed to address was building a profitable and competitive medical practice with the most ideal pricing for unique and high-quality health care services in the constantly evolving economy of the Caribbean.

After meeting with Ms. Michele Gordon of Lagniappe Digital Consulting, my perspective was completely changed. She inspired a new and profound sense of confidence in our goals and the worth of my product. Our session was rich with invaluable advice, insight and suggestions for improving our approach to pricing strategies that will take my practice to a new level of profitability. 


You need this tool if:

  • You’ve tried to keep your numbers in you head but, realize that never works
  • You’ve been writing things down here and there but at the end of month, it’s a scattered mess
  • You don’t have a consistent way of keeping track of why you spend so much in one area each month but just don’t know why
  • You’ve tried expensive software and the learning curve is like studying rocket science (Who has time for that?)

So You Can Build The Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of…The Ultimate Expense Calculator That Can Drill Down Your Numbers, Keep Better Records and Help You Develop Powerful Long Term Planning!

Person using expense calculator template to figure out monthly and annual start-up costs for small business

This mighty but simple tool...

...takes the pieces of information about your business expenses, down to the granular level and turns this information into a crystal clear portrait of where your money goes each and every month.

All of the coding is built in, so just answer the simple questions and let the tool do the heavy lifting for you

The Ultimate Expenses Calculator will guide you through:

  •  Detailed breakdowns of fees your business incurs throughout the year. (Even the little stuff adds up quick and is easily forgotten)
  • Complete break out of Annual Expenses and Monthly Expenses and how it affects your bottom line
  • The power to track even the smallest of expenses and putting it in the correct category with just the click of a mouse
  • See where you spend your money and stop the bleeding on services you may no longer need or just forgot about. (How many subscription services do you have out there?)
  • And ultimately, Building a solid foundation to know why you charge what you charge by having accurate data to base pricing decisions from

You’ll come away with real numbers and data points to scale up your business - and how it’ll help you move with ease into your core business strategies. 

Here’s What People Are Saying About The Ultimate Expense Calculator!

Reginald Prince, direct response copy writer review of ultimate expense calculator

I’ve always been good at keeping my expenses under control. Knowing (so I thought) what I was spending and where. After using the Ultimate Expense Calculator, I have a better understanding of where my money goes, and why.

I now know I can’t give away the farm in my pricing or I’m just spinning my wheels and not making money.

This simple little tool has changed the way I see my business.

Reginald Prince,
Direct Response Copywriter

You Can’t Have Pricing Confidence Without Having Expenses Dialed Down To The Dollar

Having A Solid Foundation Matters

After watching people I know work really hard to build their businesses and almost crash and burn time and again I had to help…

I’m not a superhero and don’t wear a cape. :)

I recognized the same pattern and to make life easier I built this tool first for my friends, then for my clients. 

You see, no matter how long you’ve been in business if you don’t have your expenses down, your business has a high potential to flounder.

And if you watch the news we both know small and mid-sized businesses have been crashing and burning like crazy.

You see, no matter how long you’ve been in business if you don’t have your expenses down, your business has a high potential to flounder.

One in which you can then scale no matter what the outside world is throwing at you.From inflation, new taxes, or higher costs for supplies.

You’ll be one of the few businesses that really understands how to track what you spend…… and then be able to adjust with speed when you see your costs increase and change your prices to reflect the data.

Most Entrepreneurs have static pricing. Most only look at their expenses when it’s tax time. And most don’t know why they charge what they charge. You are not like most entrepreneurs.

Having this simple to use tool at your disposal will be a game changer.

It’s the only way to get to the all important next step……and that’s accuracy in your pricing.

Having No Solid foundation in your expenses tracking…

There will be little to no success in your pricing of your products or services.

Let me explain in another way:

Most businesses come to what they’ll charge at the end of their business planning. Not before.If you don’t know what you have going out, how do you know what you should be charging for what’s coming in? It sounds simple I know, but this step causes businesses to close their doors for good, daily.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

The Ultimate Expense Calculator is an easy, almost paint by numbers, plug and play tool that gives you the critical information you need to know almost in an instant.

  • No fluff
  • No extra work
  • No difficult calculations.

Just push button mastery of your business expenses.

It makes annual, quarterly, and monthly planning a breeze.

When you know your true costs, you’re able to make decisions that much quicker.No more second guessing. Just forward moving.

Bringing predictability and certainty to the foundational element of your expenses, you’ll finally have peace of mind.

Because the difference between guessing and knowing is like walking in the sunlight or bumping around in darkness.

It’s the difference between breaking even or finally making the money you deserve.

Knowing there is nothing like this tool in the market to help you maintain laser focus on the fine details of your business…

I could easily charge north of $129.00 just for this one little tool but because I’m committed to getting business well…, back in the black, I’m not going to charge anything like that.In fact, I’m taking over 50% OFF of the regular price. 

An Important Personal Message…

If you’re anything like me, you’ll do whatever it takes to keep your business growing. Not just for the next year but many more to come.

Now - I’m sure this will sound odd but, the most important thing is not just making money. 

Yes, you can re-read that. It’s not just making money. Or just making a sale.

In my 20 plus years of working with people, one thing I can say is most important, is helping others. 

If you help enough people get what they want, you’ll always have what you need. 

It just builds TRUST…but so much more. 

I’ll bend over backwards to get you pointed in the right direction.


Get the Ultimate Expense Calculator NOW!

  • Walk-through Instructions- 10 minutes
  • Ultimate Expense Calculator - Pre-filled with Sample Data

Reg. $39

Only $29!


Get the Ultimate Expense Calculator NOW!

Person using an Expense calculator to track expenses for operating budgets for a small business using categories
  • Walk-through Instructions- 10 minutes
  • Ultimate Expense Calculator - Pre-filled with Sample Data

Reg. $39

Only $29!